Thursday, April 15, 2010


Once upon a college Psychology class I was warned about Self Fulfilling Prophecies. You know what that is right....if you worry about something you may inadvertently make it come true?

Well it seems that I've created one of these for myself. Remember this post where I worried that by giving my son a multitude of nicknames I might be setting him up for an identity crisis? Ummmmmmmm, yeah.

It has happened.

Meet Eddie.

Seriously. My son talks about himself in the third person and calls himself "Eddie."

Now -- there are numerous explanations for this, such as "Sethy" is hard for him to say and when he says his name it sounds like "Eddie." And he talks about himself in the third person because when speaking to him I speak about myself in the third person. As in -- "That's Mama's cup" or "Mama is going upstairs" or "Mama is going lose her mind if she has to wash one more sinkload of dirty dishes."

So no, I don't think it's an actual identity crisis. And I'm not going to be seeking mental health care for my 2 1/2 year old. But I do think it's pretty funny.

Just like I think it's pretty funny that he also refers to himself as, and insists that his father and I call him "Bob."

As in Bob the Builder.

And while "Bob" is a skilled craftsman who can construct heat pumps, houses, train tracks and couches out of Legos, he is nothing without his team of trusty sidekicks.

So "Bob" has invited his parents to the identity crisis party. I'm "Wendy," a beautiful buxom blonde who keeps Bob's building business burgeoning and who I TOTALLY resemble.

And here's a pic of "Bob" and "Farmer Pickles."

See the resemblence to the "real" Farmer Pickles?

Neither do I.....Thank God! ;)

1 comment:

Nancy said...

It's even hard to not call him Eddie back! I loved your post!