Monday, August 3, 2009

Sweet Chicken

I was thinking about it the other day and I have a lot of nicknames for Seth. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I've always been a "nicknamer." Friends, pets, family members, other people's children; it seems that no one in my life is safe.

I don't know where these nicknames come from or most of the time, what they mean. They tend to just fall out of my mouth and hang around for a while. Some stick around longer than others, some get abbreviated you know, because creating nicknames for nicknames is totally normal, some get elongated and some of the ones I call Seth get a weird look from the hubs and then go away forever.

I'm kind of concerned that one day soon I'm going to notice that my son will respond to anything anyone calls him. That's not currently true so I'm hoping my concern is totally unfounded.

Just so you can get an idea of what I'm talking's an assortment of the names my son is likely to be called (by his mother) on any given day:

Macho Man
Little Man
Sweet Chicken
Mix Master P
oh and, Sethy

I'm sure there are more, but that list is what's currently on rotation. A few of these names are on pretty heavy rotation, but I'd say that all of these will get used within a three day span. Identity crisis in the making? Perhaps.

But I'm going to try not to worry about it. I think I'll focus on enjoying my Little Man for the Sweet Chicken that he is.

And friends I'm curious...did your parents have nicknames for you growing up? Do you have nicknames for your children or pets? Or am I alone? :)


Mary Mil. said...

Mine was "tiny baby bubble buns."
If you tell anyone that, I'll kill you.

Rachel Spore said...

Did I tell you? We called Titus - Tighty-man for awhile. I had to stop myself I knew if it didn't stop now it was bound to fly out of my mouth as I dropped him off for school in the 5th grade or something awful like that. Rarely does he go by Titus unless it is followed with Matthew and then he's probably doing something he shouldn't be doing.

But he does go by: buddy, bub, little man, Ti man, Mr. Titus, cuddler, snuggle bud, cuddle bud, little man, Mr. man.

I am sure there are more. And I will notice them now.

justjuli said...

Mary -- please tell me they still call you that.

and also -- may i please call you that?

Rach -- I love it. Good call on Tighty-man. It reminds me of one time when I was teaching PE. It was my first class with a bunch of brand new kindegarteners. We were doing introductions and one little boy said (in front of the whole class) "My name is Marcelles. My mommy don't call me Boobie no more because she don't want me to get made fun of." Then he looked really sad. I said "Hi Marcelles, it's nice to meet you." Because really, what else could I say? :)

Ashley said...

We call Linc all kinds of silly things... actually a lot of the same ones you call Seth! Bubba, Stinky Lincy, doodle, lovey, etc.. My dad always called me Ashley bug, that makes me smile :0) My bro called me... well we'll save that one for an in person conversation! Ha!!

KT said...

I'd tell you mine but then I would have to kill you.

Moxie is Monkey and Tessie is tesser, tess, peanut, peanut pants, peany pants, peany or just plain pants. She is one mixed up cat. :)

Mary said...

Sure, Juli.
My buns bubbles have grown a bit, though. They're no longer "tiny."

Sara said...

Hmmm...we have some weird ones here. Bibbity boosker, bibbity biscuit, babers, bibbers, baby efens, mr. baby, babarino, sweet little pumpkin...that's all I can think of for now! You can tell that most of them have to do with being a baby. Mine growing up was Sara June Bug or Bugaboo or just June bug. My middle name is June.

Emily said...

My Dad used to call me Poodle Pup.